

Low Carb Living - Eat bread without the guilt!

I'm so excited!! I've earned my very first attempt at guest blogging!! Thanks so much to Jessica at Plucky's Second Thought for this amazing opportunity!!

I've been living a low carb lifestyle for almost a year now, and I've been trying to build up a recipe database of yummy meals that are easy to prepare, and most of all, cheap!!

The most "missed" food item in low carb living, has to be bread, and I've found the next best thing!!! Read more about my Low Carb Lovely over at Plucky's blog!!

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  1. I'm so happy you did this! :)

    1. I am too!! Thank you so much for the opportunity!!!

  2. YUM! Stopping by from 'The Plus Party'

    So glad you stopped by & said hello. This recipe looks delicious. I actually am debating about doing low carb. My mom did it awhile back, it was hard & but now there are so many delicious recipes out there, I think it wouldn't be that hard anymore.

    Again, thanks for stopping by. I have another linkup party on Thursdays called Crafty Thursday Obsessions. Come stop by sometime ;)


    1. Hey Stacey!

      I really think you should try the low carb living! If you like meats and cheeses, you're a show in!! Not only that, it's a fast way to loose initially, so you'll keep motivated to stick to it!

      I'll be on over for Crafty Thursday's!!


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