

Tip of the Week – Lemon juice & rust

 I saw a pin on Pinterest showing how lemon juice gets rid of rust spots on knives. Almost all of my knives are rusty and it drives me CRAZY!! So, why not give it a try! Does it work? People claim it works and it’s all over Pinterest, so I put it to the test. Did it work for me?

Here’s my knives with their rust spots. The Pampered Chef Santuko knife I use all the time, and it’s starting to show some rust.  My other Farberware knives are completely rusty. Ugh.

Knife before 1                                         Soaking

Well, after 10 minutes of soaking (I didn’t have a lot of lemon juice on hand, so only the tips really got a good soak) and a light scrub with the abrasive side of the sponge…

10 minutes
NOT IMPRESSED. At all. What-so-ever.

So, I dumped them back in again and let them soak for another 15 minutes, and viola…BOGUS!

30 min soak

Obviously lemon juice doesn’t work. I’d sure love to know how others who’ve tried this - and had it work -  did it. Maybe my lemon juice was bad? Is there a secret trick I’m missing? Share with me your success.
Here’s a comparison…do you see a difference? Maybe I need glasses!


All I can say is that my experiment with lemon juice and rust is a failure!! I wasted what was left of my lemon juice and a half hour of my life! Just kidding. A good ‘ol fashioned Brillo or S.O.S. pad is far easier, saving time, effort, and money!! Look! Fabulous results!! (sorry it’s a bit blurry…so much for iPhone camera!)

Scour pad after

Have any of you tried this before? If so, did it work? If not, did you try any other methods?

Keep on keeping on!

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Creative Geekery

*Thank you to Threading My Way for her awesome tip on how to make all my linky buttons uniformly sized!!!



  1. I don't have any knives that are rusty. I would like to try it. Some of the tips aren't any good. Like my mother always said,"don't believe everything that you read". LOL

    We may have met by chance..but we become friends by choice.

    1. I agree with your mom!!! I see all these "tips" so I figure, why not put them to the test!!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. wow, fun tip! Will have to keep this in mind!!! Thanks for linking up to Tasteful Tuesdays! love it! Really appreciate you stopping by my blog! I'm trying to keep in better touch with my linkers/readers... If you already follow me, please let me know I will find your blog on Bloglovin (I'm transferring my follows there)if you don't follow in any way, would you consider following via GFC or other method?

    1. Hi Emily!! I'm glad to stop by're blog is amazing! I am a follower for sure!!

  3. Thanks for letting us know it didn't work for you! It's just as important to know what doesn't work as it is knowing what does!
    Selene @ Restoration Beauty

    1. Thanks Selene!! The Tip of the Week feature has it's own sort of Myth Buster-style! Tried and tested, each week I'll let you know my results!! Thanks for stopping in! Hope to have you back!

  4. Interesting. I wonder if it's because you used the bottled lemon juice instead of fresh lemons? Maybe it somehow looses its potency? I don't know. Anyway, cool experiment, sorry for your disappointments, and thanks for sharing the results!

    1. Good question Natasha!! Now I'm going to have to find out!! I love experiments!

  5. Maybe there's a difference between fresh lemons and juice... who knows? It's good to know what doesn't work.

  6. Hello,
    I didn't know this but I can sure use the tip.
    Angel @

  7. Kate, maybe next time try it with real lemons? I am curious to know if it works that way! I see another post in your near future with real lemons! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  8. Thanks for linking up to Welcome to the weekend hop :)thanks for sharing ... Have a lovely Easter...

  9. So good to know! Definitely won't waste my time with this cleaning myth now. Stopping by from SITS :) I'd love for you to drop by and visit my blog if you get the chance. Oh, and Happy Easter! Have a great week.

    Diary of a Debutante

  10. Great idea! Thank you for sharing this. Too good to keep it a secret! Come link it up at our linky party at to share it with everyone!


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