

Coffee & Conversation - Week Three

Coffee & Conversation

Good morning everyone!! Week three of Coffee & Conversation! It's keeps on getting better and better!! This week's question...Who has influenced you the most in your life - personally or professionally - and why?

Again, a tough question for me. I can't say for certain that any one person has influenced me. I have learned a lot over the years that the only person who can truly influence my life is myself through that of His will. My encounters with others can change my mindset but I don't want to use the word influence, as sometimes, that can have a negative effect. Yes, in reality, it is my interactions that influence me to go this way or that, but I'll stick with "opening my eyes"as the term.

I've changed who I am as a person because of these collective interactions. When I was young, I was easily influenced by the wrong people. As I've grown in spirit, I understand now that who I let open my eyes can only help strengthen my walk with the Lord. My grandmother has shown me that no matter what medical folly is thrown your way, there is still the option to survive. My mother has taught me that parenting my children will be different from her ways. My husband has shown me that not every time people are who they seem. My friends have taught me to value myself as I know I should. My professional experience have shown me that I am worthy of the knowledge I've gained in order to apply it to their missions, and my children have taught me that my patience is thin and I need to continually work on it. My daughter's friends parents have shown me how important being involved in your child's education is. My friends in animal rescue have given me the power to stand up and speak out for those who cannot, and my dealings with the public have made me realize that being kind is of the utmost importance, and humbled me to the point that no matter what may be going on in my life, I am truly blessed. Each of these scenarios has given me points to ponder and change what I am currently doing to better suit my life, and those lives around me.

I am just not able to state one single person who's made a difference in my life. And I'm happy for that, since I've been able to take all the positives and negatives and use them as stepping stones for my journey. I pray that I continue to learn and grow, and I know that I will always keep an open mind.

What influences have you had that have made you open your eyes?

Join me and the others next week when we answer the question of: What would you regret not fully doing, being, or having in your life?

Keep on keeping on!
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  1. It sounds like you have been blessed to have many people contribute to your life. Whether you call it influence or having your eyes opened, your experiences have made you into the person God has intended for you to be. May your journey continue to be a great one.


  2. Blog hopping from TCM Monday Mingle. My grandmother was my major influence and when she transitioned on 5/1/09 at the age of 98, she left me with a lifetime of memories and guidance that has proven to be the most precious gift I've ever received.

  3. You are so right to take all that you have encountered - both good and bad- and be able to grow from it. When I was talking to my husband about this week's question I joked that sometimes I've had even more examples of "what not to do" or "how not to act". But they are learning experiences and influences as well!


I love to hear from you, so leave me a comment!!!