

Coffee & Conversation - Part Deux

Coffee & Conversation

Good morning everyone!! Week two of Coffee & Conversation! This week's question...What is one of the most valuable lessons you have learned this year so far?

Tough question. It's only two months and two weeks into the new year, and no big lesson has presented itself yet! That's a good thing, I'm sure. However, there is one "incident" that happened just yesterday that I can say was a big eye opener for me, leaving me with a valuable lesson learned. That lesson - trust your gut.

We all know that when our gut speaks to us, we'd better listen or it'll give us that "told ya so", "in your face" reply. Over my many years, I've learned to trust it wholly. If there is even the slightest of doubt that I may have, my gut wins. I either enter into the situation with my guard up and wait for that gut instinct to come jumping out in front of me, of I avoid the situation altogether.

I learned yesterday, that my gut is 100% trustworthy, and if I don't listen to it anymore, I'm going to end up with it slapping me in my face!! Bottom line, trust your gut. PERIOD.

Thanks again to Lauren @ Simply Free and Kalyn @ Love. Laughter. Happily Ever After. for this awesome series. If you'd like to join in, please do so!! The more stories the better!

Next week's question: Who has influenced you the most in your life - personally or professionally - and why?

Keep on keeping on!
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  1. You are so right! Trusting your gut is a TOUGH lesson to learn - or for me it has been - because I always second guess myself, and in the end I always wish I had done what my "gut" said from the start!

  2. Thanks for linking up at the Blog Hop! :)

  3. I agree! I always follow my instincts, I learned that lesson the hard way.

  4. Such a great lesson to learn and always remember! Usually that first instinct is the right one but its so hard not to want to second guess ourselves. Trusting oneself is very important! Great lesson Kate, can't wait to read more!

  5. You are so very right. Thanks for sharing & linking up! :)

  6. Thanks for linking up with Coffee and Conversation! We appreciate your support and love in this community :)

  7. This is something that I'm happy I learned earlier in life. It has helped me a lot and I'm so thankful for that.


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